I was contacted by Syngress Publishing because they wanted to make a step by step construction for the Dark Side Developer Kit. After many prototypes, this is the second biped I completed for the book: LEGO Mindstorms: Dark Side Robots, Creatures, and Transports.
Bipeds that did not make the 10 cool cut
I was contacted by Syngress Publishing because they wanted to make a step by step construction for the Dark Side Developer Kit. I created this hexapod walker loosely based on a fictional Star Wars flying creature called a draigon. Fictitious evil creature from the Jedi Apprentice book series
LEGO Mindstorms Dark Side Robots
This is the first book I ever got published. I co-authored with Soren Rolighed, Miguel Agullo, and Hideaki Yabuki. The robots named AT-ST, Super Battle Droid, Go-Rilla and Draigon are my own creations.